Why prioritize your joint mobility?

Because exercise alone isn't enough.

Exercise is fantastic for our health. However, traditional exercise doesn't prioritize improving our joint health & mobility - it just focuses on building muscular strength and improving cardiorespiratory health. To maintain healthy joints as we age, we must perform exercises that specifically work on maintaining our joints' mobility. In this course, you'll learn the exact exercises we utilize with every patient we work with so you can improve (and maintain) your joint health & mobility. With these exercises you'll stay flexible forever and improve your athletic performance.
Watch Intro Video

What's This Course All About?

What's Inside

  • 2

    Why You Need A Daily Mobility Routine

    • Use it or lose it.

    • The concept of entropy.

    • Maintenance first.

  • 3

    What Should A Daily Mobility Routine Look Like?

    • CARs defined.

    • Why CARs?

  • 4

    How Often Should You Perform CARs?

    • Frequency & rep recommendations.

    • Navigating a busy lifestyle.

  • 5

    Why Are CARs So Beneficial?

    • Benefits of CARs.

  • 6

    Using CARs As A Self-Assessment Tool

    • Identify motor control dysfunctions (MCDs).

    • Screen for closing angle joint pain (CAJP).

    • CAJP downloadables.

    • Body check-in prior to exercise.

  • 7

    Different Ways To Approach CARs Depending On Your Goal

    • Change intensity based on purpose of CARs.

    • Different levels of CARs.

    • Progressive overload.

    • Programming CARs.

  • 8

    Full-Body CARs Routines

    • CARs routine (17 min).

    • Seated CARs routine (15 min).

    • Express CARs routine (8 min).

    • Quadruped & seated CARs routine (13 min).

  • 9

    Self-Assessment: A Joint-By-Joint Breakdown

    • How to utilize the self-assessment CARs videos.

    • CARs assessment form - downloadable form.

    • Neck CARs.

    • Shoulder blade CARs.

    • Shoulder CARs.

    • Elbow CARs.

    • Wrist CARs.

    • Thoracic spine CARs.

    • Spine segmentation CARs.

    • Hip CARs.

    • Knee CARs.

    • Ankle CARs.

    • Toe CARs.

  • 10

    CARs Variations

    • Why do we need variations of CARs?

  • 11

    Neck CARs - Variations

    • Standing neck CARs (level 1).

    • Quadruped neck CARs (level 2).

    • Supine neck CARs off bench (level 3).

    • Prone neck CARs off bench (level 3).

    • Child's pose neck CARs (level 2).

    • Child's pose neck CARs with TS flexion (level 2).

    • Child's pose neck CARs with TS extension (level 2).

    • Lateral flexion bias neck CARs (level 1).

    • Standing neck CARs with max irradiation (level 3).

    • Prone neck CARs [extension+rotation focus] (level 2).

    • Supine neck CARs [flexion+rotation focus] (level 2).

  • 12

    Shoulder Blade CARs - Variations

    • Standing shoulder blade CARs (level 1).

    • Quadruped shoulder blade CARs (level 1).

    • Shoulder blade CARs in low bear (level 3).

    • Shoulder blade CARs while hanging (level 3).

    • Standing TRX shoulder blade CARs (level 3).

    • Shoulder blade CARs in push-up position (level 3).

    • Shoulder blade CARs in standing with various degress of shoulder flexion (level 1).

    • Shoulder blade CARs with glenohumeral IR (level 2).

    • Shoulder blade CARs with glenohumeral ER (level 2).

    • Standing shoulder blade CARs with max irradiation (level 3).

    • Standing shoulder blade CARs with TS blocking (level 2).

  • 13

    Shoulder CARs - Variations

    • Standing shoulder CARs (level 1).

    • Quadruped shoulder CARs (level 2).

    • Shoulder CARs in low bear (level 3).

    • Standing shoulder CARs with max irradiation (level 3).

    • Shoulder CARs with TS blocking with squat rack (level 2).

    • Shoulder CARs with TS blocking in half-kneeling (level 2).

    • Shoulder axial rotation CARs [90 degree elbow bend] (level 1).

    • Shoulder axial rotation CARs [straight arm] (level 1).

    • Prone swimmer shoulder CARs (level 3).

  • 14

    Elbow CARs - Variations

    • Standing elbow CARs (level 1).

    • Standing elbow CARs with max irradiation (level 3).

    • Elbow CARs in overhead position (level 2).

    • Elbow CARs in shoulder extension.

    • Elbow CARs with straight arm and different wrist positions [nerve tensioners] (level 2).

  • 15

    Wrist CARs - Variations

    • Wrist CARs in standing (level 1).

    • Quadruped closed chain wrist CARs (level 1).

    • Wrist CARs in standing with max irradiation (level 3).

    • Wrist CARs with open fist [in supination & pronation] (level 2).

    • Wrist CARs with closed fist [in supination & pronation] (level 2).

    • Wrist CARs on yoga block (level 2).

    • Wrist CARs with object on forearm (level 2).

    • Wrist CARs with straight arm and different fist positions [nerve tensioners] (level 2).

  • 16

    Thoracic Spine CARs - Variations

    • Standing thoracic spine CARs (level 1).

    • Seated thoracic spine CARs (level 1).

    • LS blocked TS CARs (level 2).

  • 17

    Spine CARs - Variations

    • Spine segmentation CARs in quadruped (level 1).

    • Spine segmentation CARs in standing (level 3).

    • Spine segmentation CARs in seated (level 1).

    • TS blocked LS CARs (level 2).

    • LS rotational CARs in quadruped (level 2).

  • 18

    Hip CARs - Variations

    • Standing open chain hip CARs (level 1).

    • Standing closed chain hip CARs (level 1).

    • Standing hip CARs with blocking using squat rack (level 2).

    • Quadruped hip CARs with blocking (level 2).

    • Quadruped hip CARs with object on lower back (level 2).

    • Standing single leg closed chain hip CARs (level 3).

    • Hip capsule CARs in supine (level 1).

    • Supine straight leg hip CARs (level 3).

    • Sidelying hip CARs (level 2).

  • 19

    Knee CARs - Variations

    • Seated open chain knee CARs (level 1).

    • Standing closed chain knee CARs (level 1).

    • Standing knee CARs in hip flexion (level 2).

    • Standing knee CARs in hip extension (level 2).

    • Supine knee CARs [nerve tensioners] (level 2).

    • Knee cap CARs (level 1).

    • Knee capsule CARs (level 1).

  • 20

    Ankle CARs - Variations

    • Seated open chain ankle CARs (level 1).

    • Standing closed chain ankle CARs (level 1).

    • Ankle CARs in long sit with yoga block (level 2).

    • Supine ankle CARs with straight leg [nerve tensioners] (level 2).

    • Standing ankle CARs in hip flexion (level 2).

    • Standing ankle CARs in hip extension (level 2).

    • Seated ankle CARs with toe flexion (level 2).

    • Ankle capsule CARs (level 1).

  • 21

    Toe CARs - Variations

    • Standing toe CARs (level 1).

    • Standing toe CARs with various degrees of ankle dorsiflexion (level 2).

    • Toe CARs in bottom of squat (level 3).

    • Short Foot Exercise + Toe CARs (level 3).

  • 22


    • Are CARs enough?

  • 23


    • Weekly habit tracker - downloadable.